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High Blood Pressure during Pregnancy

A woman may suffer from high blood pressure during her pregnancy. It may be fatal. Generally high blood pressure means how hard blood pushes against the arteries’ wall. If that pressure is too much, then we call it high blood pressure or hypertension. And it links to risk of stroke. So be careful.

In United States only, the research data shows, one out of hundred and ten pregnant women who have delivered a baby prematurely and who also had suffered from gestational hypertension during pregnancy. High blood pressure starts afterwards 20 weeks of pregnancy, it may be a sign of a grave concern called preeclampsia or gestational hypertension. This type of gestational hypertension develops after 20 weeks of pregnancy and may be either temporary hypertension of pregnancy or chronic hypertension identified in the latter half of pregnancy. If systolic BP is more than 140 millimeters of mercury or diastolic BP is more than 90 millimeters of mercury, then we can say, the pregnant woman is suffering from gestational hypertension.

Aneroid blood pressure monitor kits

It is not that every pregnant woman who gets pregnant is the same risk of heart attack. The additional risk of heart attack in minimal for normal pregnancy. Generally, a pregnant women blood pressure drops during her second trimester. And then it backs to normal by the end of the pregnancy. In case the blood pressure of that pregnant women suddenly jumps high; (systolic pressure is more than 140 or diastolic pressure is more than 90) during her 2nd or 3rd trimester. Then it called gestational hypertension. It is risky; it may turn to preeclampsia later stage. In that case, high blood pressure prevents the fetus from getting enough blood and oxygen. This could obstruct fetal development during this period. So the pregnant women should take care of their blood pressure and need to have checked often with the doctors or their own household Aneroid blood pressure monitor kits. It is vital in order to check the blood pressure and inexpensive too. You can buy Aneroid or Digital blood pressure monitoring kits from the various online stores available on the web.

June 23, 2011 - Posted by | Pregnancy tips | , , , ,

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